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Have you heard of a TFRA?

Our CEO, Shavonne Bowman, is driven to show our community a new way to look at our finances.


She believes that the surfaced information we are provided, such as 401k's, are not our only option to save for retirement.  Shavonne wants to have the opportunity to share another option or an additional option with you and your family.


A TFRA is a TAX-FREE RETIREMENT account that has significant benefits and is underutilized by the working class and small business owners. Tax-Free Retirement Accounts can be used as your sole retirement plan or in conjunction with accounts such as your 401k account.


We can teach you how to utilize them both or just your TFRA to maximize your retirement goals. If you do not know your FINN number, we can help you with that as well.


TFRA's are life-changing.  We can also educate you on how you can maximize your income by educating your community on TFRA's.  The additional income is life-changing.  




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